goal of digital preservation is to maintain the ability to display, retrieve,
and use digital collections in the face of rapidly changing technological
and organizational infrastructures and elements. Issues to be addressed
in digital preservation include:
Retaining the physical reliability of the image files, accompanying
metadata, scripts, and programs (e.g., make sure that the storage medium
is reliable with back-ups, maintain the necessary hardware and software
infrastructure to store and provide access to the collection)
Ensuring continued usability of the digital image collection (e.g.,
maintain an up-to-date user interface, enable users to retrieve and
manipulate information to meet their information needs)
Maintaining collection security (e.g., implement strategies to control
unauthorized alteration to the collection, develop and maintain a rights
management program for fee-based services)
Although this section is one of the last of the tutorial, issues associated
with longevity need to be discussed at the onset of any imaging initiative.
Many of the issues that become impediments to long-term preservation are
rooted in early decisions centering on selection and conversion. Digital
preservation decisions and strategies should be developed as an integral
part of a digital imaging initiative as many decisions will be closely coupled
with an institution's long-term retention plans.