Howard and Jennifer Trant. Introduction
to Imaging. Santa Monica, CA: The Getty Art History Information
Program, 1995. Introduces digital imaging technology and vocabulary as they relate
to the development of image databases, and outlines the areas in which
institutional strategies regarding the use of imaging technologies must
be developed.
Anne R. and Stephen Chapman. Digital Imaging for Libraries and Archives.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Library, 1996. (available only in print
- order information)
Provides an introduction to the central issues associated with the use
of digital imaging technology in libraries and archives, including a theoretical
and technological overview. Advocates a common vocabulary and set of perspectives
from conversion to presentation.
and Humanities Data Service, AHDS
Offers several series that address creation, management, and distribution
of digital image collections. The Guides to Good Practice series is particularly
useful, providing practical instruction in applying standards and good
practice to the creation and use of digital resources.
Digitization Project, Digital
Provides links to general resources, bibliographies, initiatives, and
clearinghouses on selection, scanning, quality control, metadata creation,
and other project management issues. Also offers a glossary of digital
imaging terms.
eLib Supporting Studies, Preservation
Managed by the British Library Research and Innovation Centre, offers
several reports on creating and preserving digital image collections.
One of the goals is to compare various digital preservation strategies
for different data types and formats.
Preserving Access to Digital Information
The National Library of Australia's PADI site, offers a subject gateway
to digital preservation resources. Includes current information on digital
preservation-related events, organizations, policies, strategies, and
guidelines. Also includes glossaries of terms that are relevant to digital
RLG Preservation Program
Offers supporting materials, such as RLG project reports and the bimonthly
RLG DigiNews to support institutions in their efforts to preserve
and improve access to endangered research materials. The "RLG Tools for
Imaging" section includes a worksheet for estimating digital reformatting
costs, and guidelines for creating RFPs for digital imaging services.
(Technical Advisory Service for Images)
Funded by the Joint Information Systems Committee (UK), provides information
on creating, storing, and delivering digital image collections. Also lists
events and information resources of interest to those involved in digital
imaging initiatives.